Sunday, November 16, 2008

Iron Man (red flag)

Wow. Were the comics as racist as I remember them? Let's break it down, shall we?

Super cool Tony Stark makes killer weapons. He sells them to the 'good guys'. That would be the US military. He gets captured by the bad guys. Those are the Arabs. They apparently are in Afghanistan. Who knew?

They have a leader. He is big, mean, and big nosed. Kinda stupid a little, but dont worry, there is this mysterious guy in the background that is bound to be the real brains behind the operation. He is! Yeah, we were right. Oh yeah, the white guy is sulking and doth protest too much but is easily convinved to cooperate by the loving Afghani man of color who (1) saved his life and (2) will undoubtedly give his own for the white man to live and fight for justice everywhere.

We are surprised to find out that the leader is not quite Arab, or he just is a smarter one that speaks english and wears a kufiyya. But dont worry he is easily tricked by the smart man, Tony Stark, who can outsmart a whole gang of cut throat terrorists with his eyes closed. Well, of course he needs his Afghani assistant to sacrifice his life first but leave with the great parting words to inspire Stary to be a better man.

Take a moment to quicly wipe away your tears at this touching moment...

Next he escapes! While we are not surprised, we do enjoy watching the solitary US man don his technological invention and bat around a gand of terrorist thugs as if they were... well, terrorists. Aren't they like flies to the great US?

Moving right along... Our hero is found and goes into his old life with his POC wisdom of what life is all about. He even revokes his association with the military, but not really, but whatever we can overlook that. Then the Arabs find the suit and try to rebuild a prototype. Or at least that is what I think. We found out later that they just stick it all together to ask the big bad white man to make more of them for the dumb Aras who cannpt even make these weapons for themselves. I guess they werent working for Hussein cause there were no weapons of mass destruction there, huh? Anyways, blah blah blah.

After some drama our hero returns with his suit from the US to save the Afghanis from the thugs again. He is there in minutes and saves them in seconds. Killing Arabs was never easier.

Eventually we find the bad guys are under the leadership of the big bad white man. that makes us relieved cause there is no way these Arabs are a fair match against our hero and now we have a real live threat to our hero. The big bad white man, the evil one, wears a suit that is made of all black material. What could be scarier than an Arab? A man who is white on the inside and Black on the outside, that's who! You gotta love it.

What a fucking joke. I guess that in True Lies Schwarzenneger and his wife must have left some Arabs for the rest of them in Hollywood to kill.

I wonder if they were real Arabs that took those parts in the movie. Now wouldn't that be something for real? Maybe I'll don my own suit and fly out to Hollywood and kill them since they are just that goddamned easy to smite. You know what I mean?

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