Sunday, October 26, 2008

Zoot Suit (+6)

This movie was based on a play and stars both Edward James Olmos and Daniel Valdez. It has high theatric value as its background warrants and brings to life this old era in a way that is very artistic and engaging. This is not your regular "I'm gonna be a counter culture pachuco" flick. This is based on a real life 1940's murder trial in LA and is very thoughtful and interesting.

Since it is dated some (1981), the sound quality is a bit off at times. Otherwise it being older only lends itself to the theatrical quality and surrealism of a play-like set with the play-like dramatic interludes enhanced with movie making technology. I love how the freeze frams of the actors are done with the actors holding the pose rather than relying on the technology to freeze them and some CGI ehanced interaction between Valdez and his alter ego.

Overall, I found it an interesting watch for its historical signifigance, its storytelling, the acting and musical theatrics, and the fact that I learned something I had never known before.

As an aside, did Olmos ever look young? He just looks so old in everything I have ever seen him in. Was he ever a young man? I would love to see some early movies of his if anyone has any recommendations!

Zoot Suit seen Oct 19th, 2008

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